Montag, 15. Februar 2010

2nd improvement to Add-IseMenu

This time I further extend Add-IseMenu, so that I have control about the order of the items. This function is compatible to the original and has extended capacibilities. This version is prove of concept. I'm still working on it.

BTW: Does anybody know how to embed seperators in ISE addon menu or has improvments to the code?

Thanks in advance.

code updated

function Add-IseMenu1 {            
Helper function to add menus to the ISE
Makes adding menus to the Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE)
easier. Add-IseMenu accepts a hashtable of menus.
Each key is the name of the menu.
Keys are automatically alphabetized, unless the
Each value can be one of three things:
- A Script Block
Selecting the menu item will run the script block
- A Hashtable
The value will be used to create a nested menu
- A Script Block with a note property of ShortcutKey
Selecting the menu item will run the script block.
The ShortcutKey will be used to assign a shortcut key to the item
Add-IseMenu -Name "Get" @{
"Process" = { Get-Process }
"Service" = { Get-Service }
"Hotfix" = {Get-Hotfix}
Add-IseMenu -Name "Verb" @{
Get = @{
Process = { Get-Process }
Service = { Get-Service }
Hotfix = { Get-Hotfix }
Import = @{
Module = { Import-Module }
Add-IseMenu -Name "Favorites" @{
"Edit Profile" = { psedit $profile } |
Add-Member NoteProperty ShortcutKey "CTRL + E" -PassThru

#The name of the menu to create
# The contents of the menu
# The root of the menu. This is used automatically by Add-IseMenu when it
# creates nested menus.
# If PassThru is set, the menu items will be outputted to the pipeline
# If Merge is set, menu items will be merged with existing menus rather than
# recreating the entire menu.

Set-StrictMode -Off
if (-not $psise) { return }
if (-not $root) {
$root = $psise.CustomMenu
if (-not $root) {
$root = $psise.CurrentPowerShellTab.AddOnsMenu
if (-not $root) {
$root = $psise.CustomMenu
$iseMenu = $root.Submenus | Where-Object {
$_.DisplayName -eq $name
if (-not $iseMenu) {
$iseMenu = $root.Submenus.Add($name, $null, $null)
if (-not $merge) {

$sorted = @{}
$menu.keys | % {
$order = ($menu[$_]).order
If ([int]$order -lt 0 ) { $order = 1000 + $order }
If ($order -eq $null) { $order = 500 }
$order = "{0,3}{1}" -f $order, $_
$sorted[$order] = $_ , ($menu[$_]).ShortcutKey, $menu[$_]
$sorted.GetEnumerator() |
Sort-Object Key |
ForEach-Object {
$itemname, $ShortcutKey, $value = $_.Value
switch ($value) {
{ $_ -is [Hashtable] } {
# Nested menu, recurse
$subMenu = $iseMenu.SubMenus.Add($itemName, $null, $null)
Add-IseMenu1 $itemName $_ -root $iseMenu -passThru:$passThru
{ $ShortcutKey } {
$scriptBlock= [ScriptBlock]::Create($_)
try {
$m = $iseMenu.Submenus.Add($itemName, $scriptBlock, $_.ShortcutKey)
Write-Host "Shortcut $($_.ShortcutKey) already in use. Menu item created without shortcut"
$m = $iseMenu.Submenus.Add($itemName, $scriptBlock, $null)
if ($passThru) { $m }
default {
$scriptBlock= [ScriptBlock]::Create($_)
$m= $iseMenu.Submenus.Add($itemName, $scriptBlock, $null)
if ($passThru) { $m }

Add-IseMenu1 -Name "Get" @{
"Process" = { Get-Process }
"Service" = { Get-Service }
"Hotfix" = {Get-Hotfix}

Add-IseMenu1 -Name "Get2" @{
"Process" = { Get-Process } | Add-Member NoteProperty order 2 -PassThru
"Service" = { Get-Service } | Add-Member NoteProperty order 1 -PassThru
"Hotfix" = {Get-Hotfix} | Add-Member NoteProperty order 3 -PassThru

1 Kommentar:

  1. Thank you so much for this wonderful code. Very easy to use!
