#powershell #ise is there a way to see which hotkeys are used or available?
Nearly at once I got a reply from
$psise.CurrentPowerShellTab.AddOnsMenu.Submenus |
select Action,DisplayName,@{n='Modifiers';e={$_.Shortcut.Modifiers}},@{n='Key';e={$_.Shortcut.Key}}
This is a good start, it lists the toplevel custommenu items. Some hotkeys are by ISEs own menus. I don't know how to handle that yet, but I extended this to include the submenus:
function flaten-Menus ($m = $psise.CurrentPowerShellTab.AddOnsMenu.Submenus)
$m | Where-object {$_.Submenus -ne $null} | % {flaten-Menus $_.Submenus}
$m | Where-object {!$_.Submenus -ne $null} |
select Action,DisplayName,@{n='Modifiers';e={$_.Shortcut.Modifiers}},@{n='Key';e={$_.Shortcut.Key}}
flaten-Menus |sort key
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