Dienstag, 30. März 2010

PowerShell modules are funny guys (II)

Here I'll focus on the irritating feature. The following script creates 2 modules in your user modul folder.
The second module imports the first module.

Import the first module, then the second. Both modules are imported.
Now remove the second module (that which imports the other too) and both are gone.

$modpath1 = ($env:PSModulepath -split ';')[0]            
mkdir $modpath1\submod -force
mkdir $modpath1\testmod -force

$script:state_s = 0

function Get-State
return $script:state_s

function Set-State ($x)
$script:state_s = ($x)
> "$modpath1\submod\submod.psm1"

Import-Module submod.psm1

function Get-StateY
return Get-State

function Set-StateY ($x)
Set-State $x
> "$modpath1\testmod\testmod.psm1"

ipmo submod
ipmo testmod
Write-host '------------'
Write-host '------------'
rmo testmod

Do you agree, that is to be called a bug?


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